New Years Wishes for You!

Happy New Year !

May your coming year be filled with magic, dreams and joy. I hope you kiss someone who thinks you are beyond amazing. I hope you LOVE yourself above all things. I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself with your strength of spirit. I hope you sing a new song and dance a new dance. Above all, I wish you the beauty of a single flower.~xox~ Sarina

Fall-ing in Love

I love fall and everything that goes with it; sunny crisp days and toffee mocha lattes. There is wood smoke in the air and the leaves put on their multi-coloured coats. The colours are rich and warm. I love adding a little bold accent like chartreuse; it just makes all the other colours pop. The use of unexpected votive holders fashioned from Granny Smith apples brings an added dimension to a table setting. Incorporating fruit into Autumn weddings works so well; try apples, mini pumpkins,eggplant,dark grapes and cranberries.
One of the things I always worry about in Summer weddings is will the boys be too hot in their suits? In an Autumn wedding I wonder if the girls will be warm enough! To me fall is the perfect time to introduce wonderful shawls and caplets to the bridal attire. I do love a beautiful caplet!
So put another log on the fire, pour some nice wine,snuggle up to your sweetheart, and start fall-ing in love. When you are ready to plan your wedding come see me...I'll get the toffee mocha lattes!

The Art of Being Prepared

Despite months of planning for your wedding, chances are that something might just not go according to plan. When the unexpected happens try to stay positive. Keep in mind the big picture.This is your wedding day,you are celebrating your love in front of friends and family. Most likely, no one will notice or even know about the little things that did not go according to schedule. Do not " sweat the small stuff".Keep your sense of humour intact and it helps to be prepared for the little crises within your control.
Here is a little be prepared list.You may want to add items that are important to you :
  • Be prepared for the weather rain or shine. Have umbrellas handy if it starts to rain during the outdoor photo shoot.Also hand fans are handy on hot,grumpy bridal parties do not make nice wedding photos! Bottled water...heat stroke equals not fun.Think of your guests too in regards to the weather especially if you have planned an outdoor wedding.

It is wise to put a little"be prepared kit" together with some of these items:
  • Aspirin or pain medication for headache
  • Antacid for pre-wedding jitters
  • Bandaids for blisters from those fancy high heels
  • Safety pins...just in case (God Forbid!)
  • Needle and thread in your colours
  • Personal Hygiene items
  • White chalk...I have heard this hides marks on a white dress in a pinch
  • Spot remover
  • Crazy glue....once a bridesmaids heel got caught in a grate and tore right off her shoe...crazy glue saved the day!
  • Handkerchiefs.....sometimes even the groom cries!
  • Hairpins
Hopefully, your wedding will go according to plan and if it doesn't ....well, you will be prepared with a good attitude, a sense of humour, the knowledge that in the big scheme of things nothing is more important than your LOVE!!